Liquid error (layout/theme line 10): Could not find asset snippets/easylockdown_head.liquid 4 Summer Blender Recipes Kids Will Love – stonedev
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4 Summer Blender Recipes Kids Will Love

Posted by Blendtec on

We have found that involving kids in the creation process makes them even more excited to eat the end result! Try these simple, kid-approved recipes in your Blendtec. We're sure the little ones will enjoy making AND eating the delicious treats!

blender recipes


What kid doesn't like popsicles? Have your little ones help make these - they'll be even more excited about eating them (and they'll be a healthier alternative to those you'd buy at the store!)


1 cup orange juice
2 cups mango chunks, fresh or thawed
2 tbsp honey, optional
½"x½" piece fresh ginger, peeled (optional)
  1. Add ingredients to FourSide or WildSide+ jar in order listed and secure lid.
  2. Blend on "Smoothie" cycle (or blend on a Low speed for 10 seconds, then a Medium to Medium-Low speed for 10 seconds, then Medium to Medium-High speed for 40 seconds).
  3. Portion into ice pop mold and freeze until solid, about 4-6 hours.


This is a great starter recipe for green smoothies; tell the kids it's called Green Martian Slime!

½ cup water
2 bananas, halved
2 cups spinach
½ cup ice cubes

  1. Add ingredients to FourSide or WildSide+ jar in order listed and secure lid.
  2. Select "Smoothie" cycle and serve.


A refreshing summer-time slushie to beat the heat and get your daily vitamin C. Have the kids help pick and count or measure the grapes in groups of ten, approximately 60-70 grapes.

2 cups red grapes
6 oz orange juice concentrate, thawed
3 cups ice cubes

  1. Add ingredients to FourSide or WildSide+ jar in order listed and secure lid.
  2. Select "Ice Crush" cycle (or blend on a Medium to Medium-Low speed for 30-40 seconds) and serve.


This creamy chocolatey treat is a lot better for you than those served at popular fast food restaurants.

23 cup coconut milk
14 cup agave nectar
13 cup cocoa powder
4 Medjool dates, pitted
12 large avocado, peeled and pitted
3 cups ice cubes
  1. Add coconut milk, agave nectar, cocoa powder, Medjool dates, and avocado to WildSide+ jar.
  2. Secure lid and select "Sauces" (or blend on a Medium to Medium-Low speed for 30 seconds).
  3. Add ice cubes to jar, secure lid, and select "Ice Cream" (or blend on a Low speed for 15 seconds, then blend on a Medium to Medium-High speed for 30 seconds).

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