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Berry Omega Smoothie | Recipe of the Week

Posted by Blendtec on

Omega-3 fatty acids are one fat you don't want to cut back on! Our bodies need Omega-3 fatty acids in order to perform normal functions like control blood clotting and build cell membranes in the brain. Benefits include heart health, regulation of cholesterol triglyceride levels, and protection against many diseases. 

Since our bodies can't make these fatty acids on their own, we need to get them through food and supplements. Try this simple - yet delicious - berry smoothie with flaxseeds to get some more of these good fats into your diet! Don't forget to let us know your thoughts about this smoothie on the recipe page. Happy blending!

Berry Omega Smoothie Recipe

Berry Omega Smoothie


½ cup apple juice
1 banana
½ cup blueberries
1 cup fresh raspberries
1 cup frozen strawberries
1 tbsp flaxseeds
1 cup ice cubes


Add ingredients to WildSide+ Jar in order listed and secure lid. Select "Smoothie" or blend on a Low speed for 10 seconds, then a Medium to Medium-Low speed for 10 seconds, then Medium to Medium-High speed for 40 seconds.

Get nutrition information and full recipe on the Blendtec Recipes page.  


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